Azilin 250mg tablets

Azillin 250mg Tablet is a medication belonging to the macrolide class of antibiotics. It contains Azithromycin as its active ingredient, known for its effectiveness against a variety of bacterial infections. The tablet is formulated to provide a convenient and potent dosage for the treatment of various bacterial illnesses

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Azillin 250mg Tablet is a medication belonging to the macrolide class of antibiotics. It contains Azithromycin as its active ingredient, known for its effectiveness against a variety of bacterial infections. The tablet is formulated to provide a convenient and potent dosage for the treatment of various bacterial illnesses.


Azillin 250mg Tablet is prescribed for the following purposes:

1 Bacterial Infections It is effective against a broad spectrum of bacterial infections, including respiratory tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections, ear infections, and sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia.

2. Respiratory Tract Infections  Azillin is commonly prescribed for respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

3. Skin and Soft Tissue Infections The medication is used to treat skin and soft tissue infections caused by susceptible bacteria.

The recommended dosage of Azillin 250mg Tablet is determined by the prescribing healthcare professional based on the specific infection, patient’s age, and overall health. However, a typical dosage may involve taking one tablet once a day, with or without food. It’s crucial to complete the entire course of medication, even if symptoms improve before the prescribed duration is over.

Side Effects
While Azillin is generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience side effects. Common side effects include:

1. Gastrointestinal Distress Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

2. Allergic Reactions  Rash, itching, and swelling.

3. Other Side Effects Headache, dizziness, and changes in taste sensation.

It’s important to inform a healthcare professional if any side effects persist or worsen.

Warnings and Precautions
Before using Azillin 250mg Tablet, individuals should be aware of the following precautions:

1. Allergies Inform your healthcare provider about any known allergies to macrolide antibiotics.

2. Medical History Disclose your complete medical history, especially if you have liver or kidney problems.

3. Drug Interactions  Notify your doctor about any other medications, supplements, or herbal products you are currently taking, as Azithromycin may interact with certain drugs.

4. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Consult your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as Azithromycin should be used with caution during these periods.

5. Driving and Operating Machinery Be cautious while driving or operating machinery, as Azillin may cause dizziness.

It’s crucial to adhere to the prescribed dosage and follow your healthcare provider’s advice for optimal results and to minimize the risk of side effects


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